It's been almost a year and I've taken a break from creating art.
Yeah, I'm just gonna lay it out there like that. Since the last blog post I've had plans to attend and sell art at Power-Con in Kansas City, Bot-Con in Kansas City, and again Power-Con in Anaheim, CA. Modest beginnings for someone trying to jump into the convention scene but the world had other ideas.
I don't need to tell anyone because we all know the world has changed due to Covid-19. Conventions were canceled, people were told to stay at home, and it would be time before the world was back normal. To me that is ok. To me my loved ones, your loved ones are the most important things in this world.
That being said Power-Con never happened.
So let's look into the future. My plans are exactly the same. I intend to attend Planet-Con, Bot-Con, and Power-Con. Conventions that are near and dear to my heart.
I will make more Masters of the Universe Art. I will make Transformers Art. I will make comic character art. It's time to get back out into the world with artwork my very soul has been craving to produce.
Very soon....
You will see produced manga pages for Eichi Nee, a character that I've created and have been sitting on for more than 10 years. It's time for me to unleash this character and story onto the world.
Stay tuned for more information on Eichi Nee. It's coming soon.
- Pat!